Welcome to the Calgary Chin Christian Church!

About Us...

On June 6, 2010, a few volunteers started teaching Bible verses and songs to about ten children in Kap Sen’s basement, which is one of the reasons that lead to beginning the Chin church. After half a year, with the blessing of God, the number of Sunday school children and our faith grew. As a result, groups of Chin people founded the Calgary Chin Christian Church on January 9, 2011, and currently have approximately 75 active believers. We have a vision to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also prepared to become spiritual parents for the next generation. Our members come from Chin state, Myanmar. Chin is one of the ethics group in Myanmar with a population of approximately 1.5 million who are 95 % of Christianity. Our major doctrine is the Trinity doctrine. Our main priority is to make sure our children are influenced with the will of God and another focus is to participate in missionary activities all over the world as much as we can. Our strengths and biggest commitment in missionary work is support through prayer.

We are very happy to become a member of Mennonite Church Alberta on March 22, 2013. We have two main reasons for joining the Mennonite Church Alberta. The first reason is that we share a common belief and faith in God. Secondly, we have the same vision to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and also support humanitarians all over the world. 


On August 19, 2012, Rev. Leng Nawn Thang served as a part-time pastor in Chin congregation and full-time pastor in 2018. Leng and his family came to Canada in 2005 and served as pastor at First Baptist Church, First Karen Baptist Church and Regina Chin Christian Fellowship for six and a half years.


The Chin Church has Sunday school, Women and Youth groups. We have about 35 regular Sunday school children and we divide them into Beginner, Junior and Senior classes. Every Saturday night, about 15 women and men group gather and read the Bible, sharing words of God and praying for others. Our youth are actively involved in church activities and of course, they always serve and praise God with their musical talents. Since July 2012, we fully financially support two missionaries in northern Yangon and Rakhein state, Myanmar. 


Our Mission

  • To worship God and show his glory by loving one another
  • To nurture and encourage one another in loving fellowship through prayer and study of God’s word
  • To provide the tools for spiritual growth, and equip one another for service, missions and ministry
  • To share the Love and Good News of Jesus with the world, and actively reach out to those with spiritual and physical needs

Our Vision

We aim to be a place of spiritual growth and fellowship for members, non-members, and their families; to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to our Calgary community and surrounding areas; to be an extension of the Church of Jesus Christ through missionary and relief efforts at home and abroad.

Our Team

Peter Sang



San Tin Lian



of Faith 

1. We believe that God exists and is pleased with all who draw near by faith. We worship the one holy and loving God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit eternally. God has created all things visible and invisible, has brought salvation and new life to humanity through Jesus Christ, and continues to sustain the church and all things until the end of the age.

2. We believe in Jesus Christ, the Word of God become flesh. He is the Savior of the world, who has delivered us from the dominion of sin and reconciled us to God by his death on a cross. He was declared to be Son of God by his resurrection from the dead. He is the head of the church, the exalted Lord, the lamb who was slain, coming again to reign with God in glory.

3. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the eternal Spirit of God, who dwelled in Jesus Christ, who empowers the church, who is the source of our life in Christ, and who is poured out on those who believe as the guarantee of redemption.

4. We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God through the Holy Spirit for instruction in salvation and training in righteousness. We accept the Scriptures as the Word of God and as the fully reliable and trustworthy standard for Christian faith and life. Led by the Holy Spirit in the church, we interpret Scripture in harmony with Jesus Christ.

5. We believe that the church is the assembly of those who have accepted God’s offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is the new community of disciples sent into the world to proclaim the reign of God and to provide a foretaste of the church’s glorious hope. It is the new society established and sustained by the Holy Spirit.

6. We believe that the mission of the church is to proclaim and to be a sign of the kingdom of God. Christ has commissioned the church to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all things he has commanded.

7. By the grace of God, through faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, we receive salvation and become children of God.

8. Those who are born again in Christ are given water baptism.

9. Church members participate in the Lord’s Supper, until the Lord himself comes again.

10. We place our hope in the reign of God and its fulfillment in the day when Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. He will gather his church, which is already living under the reign of God. We await God’s final victory, the end of this present age of struggle, the resurrection of the dead, and a new heaven and a new earth. There the people of God will reign with Christ in justice, righteousness, and peace for ever and ever.

Living life fully in community and with the peace of our Creator.

"I will live and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people."
2 Corinthians 6:16